Date Company Subject
2015-12-16 MPFA [Announcement] - MPFA - Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes (Amendment) Ordinance 2015 (“the Amendment Ordinance”) Withdrawal of Accrued Benefits by Instalments
2017-05-02 MPFA [Announcement] - MPFA - launches e-Enquiry of Personal Account
2020-03-31 MPFA [Announcement] - MPFA - Introduction of Risk Class for Constituent Funds under MPF Schemes
2017-05-11 MPFA [Announcement] - MPFA - Good MPF Employer Award open for applications
2017-12-15 MPFA [Announcement] - MPFA - Fourth Circular Letter re Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes (Fees) Amendment Regulation 2017
2018-01-19 MPFA [Announcement] - MPFA - Fifth Circular Letter re Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes (Fees) Amendment Regulation 2017
2018-01-05 MPFA [Announcement] - MPFA - Electronic Submission of Personal Account (PA) Enquiries by Registered Intermediaries (RIs) on behalf of Scheme Members
2018-06-15 MPFA [Announcement] - MPFA - Distribution of Handout
2021-06-11 MPFA [Announcement] - MPFA - Disciplinary Actions against MPF Intermediaries
2017-03-30 MPFA [Announcement] - MPFA - DIS Briefing Sessions for Responsible Officers (Part 2) – Reference Materials

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