Date Company Subject
2018-10-04 MPFA [Announcement] - MPFA - The latest MPFA Newsletter was released with cover story about the MPFA's 20th anniversary
2017-11-07 MPFA [Announcement] - MPFA - The Latest Issue of The MPFA Newsletter Covers MPFA Enforcement Action Against Employers Who Default on MPF Contributions
2016-04-06 MPFA [Announcement] - MPFA - The 22nd Issue (MPFA Newsletter)
2015-08-21 MPFA [Announcement] - MPFA - Temporary arrangement for handling of personal account enquiries submitted by authorized persons
2020-08-13 MPFA [Announcement] - MPFA - Special Arrangements on eService due to Enhancements of eService for MPF Intermediaries
2019-08-01 MPFA [Announcement] - MPFA - Special arrangements due to amendments to definitions of Type A and Type B regulatees in relation to the Insurance Authority (IA)
2020-03-02 MPFA [Announcement] - MPFA - Rolling out of a short video on MPFA corporate Facebook fan page and YouTube, appeal for Employers to handle MPF administrative work by e-tools
2019-09-23 MPFA [Announcement] - MPFA - Revised MPF Guidelines, Forms and Annual Returns for Registered Intermediaries (RIs)
2020-12-15 MPFA [Announcement] - MPFA - Revised MPF Guidelines and Annual Returns for Registered Intermediaries (RIs)
2020-08-31 MPFA [Announcement] - MPFA - Revised Guidelines on MPF Intermediary Registration and Notification of Changes (Guidelines VI.1)

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