Date Company Subject
2018-11-20 FWD Life (Hong Kong) Limited [Announcement] - MetLife - Termination investment options
2018-11-20 Prudential Hong Kong Limited [Promotion] - Prudential - myPrudential Promotion in November
2018-11-20 Sun Life Financial (HK) Ltd [CPD] - Sunlife - IACPD course in Dec
2018-11-20 Sun Life Financial (HK) Ltd [Announcement] - Sunlife - Launch of New Layout of Policy Anniversary Statement
2018-11-19 Prudential Hong Kong Limited [Promotion] - Prudential - Launch of NEW Evergreen Growth Saver Plus II (EGSP2) Premium Refund Customer Promotion
2018-11-19 Prudential Hong Kong Limited [Announcement] - Prudential - Payment Service Enhancement - OCBC Wing Hang Bank Payment (Effective 19 November 2018)
2018-11-19 YF Life Insurance Company Limited [System Update] - Mass Mutual - Sales Illustration System (SIS) (201811a)
2018-11-19 AXA China Region Insurance Co. [Promotion] - AXA - promotion CI
2018-11-19 FWD Life Insurance Company (Bermuda) Limited [Announcement] - FWD - Launch of Addendum XXI to ICB
2018-11-19 Prudential Hong Kong Limited [Announcement] - Prudential - Launch of New Financial Institutions of Premium Financing

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