Date Company Subject
2019-03-27 AIA Co. (Bermuda) Ltd. (Brokerage Services) [Announcement] - AIA - Insight - PRXHealXh Xancer ReXover
2019-03-27 YF Life Insurance Company Limited [Announcement] - YF Life - Title Sponsorship of "PRETTY CRAZY Joey Yung Concert Tour" - Teaser Video on Company Website and Social Media Platforms
2019-03-27 AIA Co. (Bermuda) Ltd. (Brokerage Services) [Announcement] - AIA - Adjustment of Levy Rate and Maximum Amount of Levy Effective from 1 April 2019
2019-03-28 AXA China Region Insurance Co. [Announcement] - AXA - Voluntary Health Insurance Scheme (“VHIS”) – New product launch on AXA WiseGuard Medical Insurance Plan and product revamp on Smart Medicare
2019-03-28 Prudential Hong Kong Limited [Promotion] - Prudential - Launch of Customer Promotions and Extend EGSP2 3-year Premium Term Option
2019-03-28 AIA Co. (Bermuda) Ltd. (Brokerage Services) [Announcement] - AIA - Sales Tips on Sales Compliance Series
2019-03-28 Professional Insurance Brokers Association Ltd (PIBA) [Announcement] - PIBA - Leaflet on "Key things to know about saving for retirement - Tax deductions for qualifying deferred annuity premiums and tax deductible MPF voluntary contributions"
2019-03-29 AIA Co. (Bermuda) Ltd. (Brokerage Services) [Changes] - AIA - Changes to PARVEST
2019-03-29 Sun Life Financial (HK) Ltd [Multiple News] - Sunlife - 5% Premium Rebate of SunHealth OmniCare ‐ extended till 31 May 2019 & Sales tips and stories for OmniCare
2019-03-29 BOC Life [Promotion] - BOC Life - 2019 Q2 - promotions

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