Date Company Subject
2019-01-03 YF Life Insurance Company Limited [Announcement] - Mass Mutual - Increase the maximum amount of non-medical limit (short term measures)
2019-01-03 YF Life Insurance Company Limited [Announcement] - Mass Mutual - Admin guidelines for nomination of Contingent Policy Owner
2019-01-03 YF Life Insurance Company Limited [Promotion] - Mass Mutual - Promotion (1/2) : 2019-Q1 Annuity Preferential Interest Rate Promotion
2019-01-03 YF Life Insurance Company Limited [Promotion] - Mass Mutual - Promotion (2/2) : 2019-Q1 PrimeHealth Sales Promotion
2019-01-03 YF Life Insurance Company Limited [Announcement] - Mass Mutual - Revised Underwriting Guidelines for Japanese residents
2019-01-03 YF Life Insurance Company Limited [Announcement] - Mass Mutual - Admin procedures of “PrimeHealth” series during the promotional period (For Hong Kong Only)
2019-01-03 YF Life Insurance Company Limited [New Product] - Mass Mutual - New Product (1/3) : New Product Launch: Infinity Saver (IS)
2019-01-03 YF Life Insurance Company Limited [Multiple News] - Mass Mutual - (1) New Product Launch "Infinity Saver"; (2) The right of the continuation of policy interest; (3) Stop Selling "PrimeWealth Saver"; (4) Acceptance on the deposit for future renewal premium
2019-01-03 YF Life Insurance Company Limited [Promotion] - Mass Mutual - New Product (3/3) : 2019-Q1 Infinity Saver Dual Offers Promotion
2019-01-03 YF Life Insurance Company Limited [Multiple News] - Mass Mutual - (1)Increase the maximum amount of single premium/unscheduled premium for single premium products;(2)Overfunding rules

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