Date Company Subject
2017-05-11 MPFA [Announcement] - MPFA - Good MPF Employer Award open for applications
2020-03-31 MPFA [Announcement] - MPFA - Introduction of Risk Class for Constituent Funds under MPF Schemes
2017-05-02 MPFA [Announcement] - MPFA - launches e-Enquiry of Personal Account
2015-12-16 MPFA [Announcement] - MPFA - Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes (Amendment) Ordinance 2015 (“the Amendment Ordinance”) Withdrawal of Accrued Benefits by Instalments
2016-09-09 MPFA [Announcement] - MPFA - Matters relating to personal account enquiries made by registered intermediaries on behalf of scheme members
2016-06-21 MPFA [Announcement] - MPFA - MPF Scheme Mergers/Restructuring, & Change of Administrator
2020-12-22 MPFA [Announcement] - MPFA - MPF System 20th Anniversary - "Committed to You" Programmes and Activities
2021-09-13 MPFA [Announcement] - MPFA - MPF Updates – <MPF Viewpoint>
2021-08-16 MPFA [Announcement] - MPFA - MPF Updates – MPFA Annual Report 2020-21 and <MPF Viewpoint>
2016-07-05 MPFA [Announcement] - MPFA - MPFA Newsletter (The 23rd Issue)

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