Date Company Subject
2020-11-20 AIA Co. (Bermuda) Ltd. (Brokerage Services) [System Update] - AIA - PGS Update 20.0 (HK and Macau)
2020-11-20 Chubb Life Insurance Hong Kong Limited [Announcement] - Chubb - E-claim Submission
2020-11-20 Chubb Life Insurance Hong Kong Limited [Promotion] - Chubb - Deferred Annuity Plan Customer Offer
2020-11-20 FWD Life Insurance Company (Bermuda) Limited [Announcement] - FWD - FWD Insurance Solutions Centre Resume Servicing Hours
2020-11-20 Professional Insurance Brokers Association Ltd (PIBA) [CPD] - PIBA - PIBA Webinar CPD Course _ 27 Nov 2020 (MPFA)
2020-11-20 BOC Life [Announcement] - BOC Life - FNA briefing of "Financial Need Analysis"
2020-11-20 YF Life Insurance Company Limited [Announcement] - YF Life - Adjustments on Medical Plans (For Hong Kong)
2020-11-20 YF Life Insurance Company Limited [Multiple News] - YF Life - (A) Adjustment of hospitalization insurance plan; (B) Update of the list of designated hospitals in Mainland China for "Supreme Medicare'' (SMC) and "VIP-Global-Medicare'' (VGM); (C) Revision of the definition of immunotherapy
2020-11-19 Chow Tai Fook Life Insurance Company Limited [Multiple News] - FTLife - Update NB Submission Checklist and Payment Channel Summary
2020-11-19 AIA Co. (Bermuda) Ltd. (Brokerage Services) [Announcement] - AIA - Let your wealth grow with your child

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