Date Company Subject
2020-01-30 Prudential Hong Kong Limited [Multiple News] - Prudential - (1) Launch of New Customer Promotions (2) Extension of 3-year premium term option of EGSP2
2021-07-16 Prudential Hong Kong Limited [Multiple News] - Prudential - (1) Extension of PRURetirement Deferred Annuity Plan Premium Refund Promotion(PRDA) (2) Relaxation of CI Cross-selling Promotion for VHIS Customer
2016-03-03 Prudential Hong Kong Limited [Multiple News] - Prudential - (1) Extension of PRUhealth cancer multi-care (CMH/CMU) Basic Plan to Mainland Chinese Customers (2) Update of Relevant Administration Rule (3) Enhancement of Product Support
2020-12-29 Prudential Hong Kong Limited [Multiple News] - Prudential - (1) Extension of Customer Promotions and (2) Extension of Offer Period of CIE2/CIR
2021-06-01 Prudential Hong Kong Limited [Multiple News] - Prudential - (1) Enhancements on PRUHealth VHIS VIP Plan (2) Launch of PRUHealth Critical Illness First Protect II (“CIP2”) Customer Promotion
2017-10-03 Prudential Hong Kong Limited [Multiple News] - Prudential - (1) Enhancement of Underwriting Guidelines & (2) Extend the promotion period of the Protection Campaign
2018-08-02 Prudential Hong Kong Limited [Multiple News] - Prudential - “Claims Glossary/Dictionary” and “eClaims Service Demo” newly added on Prudential Corporate website
2017-01-19 Professional Insurance Brokers Association Ltd (PIBA) [Multiple News] - PIBA - Executive Committee Members for the term of 2017; (2) Ordinary Resolution was passed to confirm the New Membership Regulations effective 1 February 2015
2018-11-13 FWD Life (Hong Kong) Limited [Multiple News] - MetLife - Updated FNA Product Mapping Table, NB & PA Metbook (Nov 2018)
2017-03-16 FWD Life (Hong Kong) Limited [Multiple News] - MetLife - Updated Doctor List and Old Application Form Arrangement

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