Date Company Subject
2016-05-03 Prudential Hong Kong Limited [Multiple News] - Prudential - Mainland Sales Verification (MSV) Process at Customer Services Centres and Revised "M1A Form"
2020-03-03 Prudential Hong Kong Limited [Multiple News] - Prudential - Launch of Revamped PRUHealth FlexiChoice Medical Plan(VFP/VFPR)and Other Product Update
2019-08-01 Prudential Hong Kong Limited [Multiple News] - Prudential - Launch of PRUTerm Family Protector (PLT/PLTR) & PRUHealth Critical Illness Term II (CIT2/CIT2R) and Customer Promotions
2021-07-06 Prudential Hong Kong Limited [Multiple News] - Prudential - Launch of PRULink Empower Investment Plan (“PEPI”) and withdrawal of PRUlink single premium investment plan (“PSPI”)
2016-01-08 Prudential Hong Kong Limited [Multiple News] - Prudential - Launch of PRUhealth medical plus, customer promotions and updated administration guidelines for medical plans
2018-08-09 Prudential Hong Kong Limited [Multiple News] - Prudential - Launch of PRUhealth critical illness multi-care prestige (CIM2) and NEW Selected Health Insurance Plans (CIM2, CIE & CIR2) Customer Promotion
2021-05-14 Prudential Hong Kong Limited [Multiple News] - Prudential - Launch of PRUHealth Critical Illness First Protect II (“CIP2”) and withdrawal of PRUHealth Critical Illness First Protect ("CIP")
2019-06-28 Prudential Hong Kong Limited [Multiple News] - Prudential - Launch of PRUHealth Critical Illness First Protect (CIP) and Extension of 3-year premium term option of Evergreen Growth Saver Plus II (EGSP2)
2018-09-24 Prudential Hong Kong Limited [Multiple News] - Prudential - Launch of New products, Investment Choices and Customer Promotions
2017-08-04 Prudential Hong Kong Limited [Multiple News] - Prudential - Launch of new products and relevant customer promotion and other updates

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