Date Company Subject
2021-08-10 Professional Insurance Brokers Association Ltd (PIBA) [CPD] - PIBA - Webinar on General Liability & Professional Indemnity Insurance (29 Sept 2021) - revise
2021-08-10 AXA China Region Insurance Co. [Announcement] - AXA - Reminder to Intermediaries on Security of Personal Data, Retention of Personal Data and Reporting of Privacy Breach
2021-08-10 Sun Life Financial (HK) Ltd [CPD] - Sunlife - IACPD course in Aug 2021
2021-08-10 China Taiping [New Product] - China Taiping - Launch of Fortune Generations Savings Plan
2021-08-10 AXA General Insurance Co Ltd [Announcement] - AXA - Reminder to Intermediaries on Security of Personal Data, Retention of Personal Data and Reporting of Privacy Breach
2021-08-10 Prudential Hong Kong Limited [Multiple News] - Prudential - Various updates: 1. Exemption of financial information form; 2. Short video of declaration of health status; 3. Applied age for product PRULink Empower Investment Plan "PEPI"; 4. PRUsubmit system update
2021-08-10 Zurich Insurance Co. Ltd [Announcement] - Zurich - Two changes to our Private Motor business
2021-08-10 AXA China Region Insurance Co. [Announcement] - AXA - Compliance Procedures for Mainland Chinese Visitors (Half-yearly Reminder)
2021-08-09 AIA Co. (Bermuda) Ltd. (Brokerage Services) [Promotion] - AIA - SIO Plan Change Campaign - From AIA Voluntary Health Insurance Prime Scheme to AVPP or AVPR
2021-08-09 AIA Co. (Bermuda) Ltd. (Brokerage Services) [Announcement] - AIA - Update on iChange One-Time-Password (OTP) Authentication

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