Date Company Subject
2020-09-28 AXA China Region Insurance Co. [Promotion] - AXA - “Multi-Protection” Programme (Phase 2)
2015-11-27 AXA China Region Insurance Co. [Promotion] - AXA - “Baby Bonus of Precious Mom and Child Insurance” Promotion Programme
2015-06-26 AXA China Region Insurance Co. [promotion] - AXA - : Promotion Period Extension – “Pulsar II Investment Insurance Plan” Reward Programme
2019-09-24 AXA China Region Insurance Co. [Promotion] - AXA - “Pulsar II Investment Insurance Plan” Reward Programme – Promotion Period Extension
2018-03-27 AXA China Region Insurance Co. [Promotion] - AXA - “Pulsar II Investment Insurance Plan” Reward Programme - Promotion Period Extension
2018-06-26 AXA China Region Insurance Co. [Promotion] - AXA - “Pulsar II Investment Insurance Plan” Reward Programme - Promotion Period Extension
2017-06-30 AXA China Region Insurance Co. [Promotion] - AXA - “Jumbo Bonus” Programme
2016-04-19 Blue Insurance Limited (Aviva) [Promotion] - Aviva - Update on Premium Discount Offer on MyWealth, Enricher & SmartRich
2015-08-06 Blue Insurance Limited (Aviva) [Promotion] - Aviva - Supplement to "Single & Multi-buy Premium Discount Offer (Enhanced Edition)
2016-01-29 Blue Insurance Limited (Aviva) [Promotion] - Aviva - Premium Discount Offer on MyWealth, Enricher & SmartRich

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