Date Company Subject
2024-06-27 AXA China Region Insurance Co. [Multiple News] - AXA - [Friendly Reminder] Premium Adjustment on Smart Medicare and MediPartner Health Plan and Important Notes on New Applications and AXA Current Promotion Programme Update
2024-06-27 Bupa (Asia) Ltd [Multiple News] - Bupa - A series of new services is up-and-coming!
2024-06-28 Zurich Insurance Co. Ltd [Announcement] - Zurich - ZONE – Domestic Helper Insurance Enhancement (Renewal/Endorsement)
2024-06-28 YF Life Insurance Company Limited [CPD] - YF Life - CPD - 12 July 2024
2024-06-28 Prudential Hong Kong Limited [Multiple News] - Prudential - Underwriting Initiatives of 2024 H2
2024-07-02 Chubb Life Insurance Hong Kong Limited [Promotion] - Chubb - 2024Q3 Campaign Offers
2024-07-02 Prudential Hong Kong Limited [Multiple News] - Prudential- (1) Enhancement of information disclosure for Participating Plans and (2) Addition of a Simplified Chinese Version of Product Page and Offering Docs of PRULink Opal Investment Plan (PO
2024-07-02 Prudential Hong Kong Limited [Product Training / Seminar] - Prudential - Seminar - 11 Jul 2024
2024-07-02 Prudential Hong Kong Limited [Promotion] - Prudential- Customer Promotions in 2024 Q3
2024-07-02 Prudential Hong Kong Limited [Announcement] - Prudential-Broker Announcement: Senior appointment

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