Date Company Subject
2024-05-24 Prudential Hong Kong Limited [Announcement] - Prudential -
2024-05-27 Professional Insurance Brokers Association Ltd (PIBA) [CPD] - PIBA - Legal Principals applicable to Insurance Contract and Corporate Governance on 28 Jun 2024
2024-05-27 Sun Life Financial (HK) Ltd [Announcement] - Sunlife - Speical Broker Bulletin - Sun Life MPF - Employer Experience Monitor Survey
2024-05-28 Bupa (Asia) Ltd [Announcement] - Bupa - Important notice of policy-related documents will be issued in electronic form
2024-05-28 Utmost Worldwide Limited [CPD] - Utmost - CPD 12 June 2024
2024-05-30 Well Link Life [Promotion] - Well Link - Well Link Life - Well Save 5-Year Bonus Plus 1314 Limited Offer
2024-05-30 Sun Life Financial (HK) Ltd [Announcement] - Sunlife - New Version of "Application Supplement for Critical Illness Plan (PRC Resident)" | New version of Underwriting Manuals
2024-05-31 Bupa (Asia) Ltd [Announcement] - Bupa - [Extended] Special Promotion for Brokers – Hong Kong Disneyland Day Pass & Corp. Membership Card (1 Jun – 30 Sep 2024)
2024-05-31 Sun Life Financial (HK) Ltd [Announcement] - Sunlife - [Newly Added] FAQ of SunWell Series
2024-05-31 Sun Life Financial (HK) Ltd [Announcement] - Sunlife - [Stellar MC/SunJoy/SunGift Series Green Offer Extension] 2024 Q2 Client Campaign

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