Date Company Subject
2021-09-15 AIA Co. (Bermuda) Ltd. (Brokerage Services) [Announcement] - AIA - Launch of AIA “Health & Wellness 360” Marketing Campaign
2017-01-06 AIA Co. (Bermuda) Ltd. (Brokerage Services) [Announcement] - AIA - Launch of AIA EASY LOGIN – A one-stop login platform for all AIA customer portals
2019-09-04 AIA Co. (Bermuda) Ltd. (Brokerage Services) [Announcement] - AIA - Launch of e-Forms in Policy Enquiry System
2016-10-12 AIA (Group Insurance Department) [Announcement] - AIA - Launch of eCard Function in AIA Employee Care App
2018-10-09 AIA Co. (Bermuda) Ltd. (Brokerage Services) [Announcement] - AIA - Launch of Modified Premium Notice & Grace Period Expiration Notice
2020-01-23 AIA Co. (Bermuda) Ltd. (Brokerage Services) [Announcement] - AIA - Launch of New AIA Vitality Application Form
2019-08-13 AIA Co. (Bermuda) Ltd. (Brokerage Services) [Announcement] - AIA - Launch of New Application Form in Mid-August 2019
2019-11-29 AIA Co. (Bermuda) Ltd. (Brokerage Services) [Announcement] - AIA - Launch of New Application Forms and Revision of Forms
2023-04-13 AIA Co. (Bermuda) Ltd. (Brokerage Services) [Announcement] - AIA - Launch of New e-learning platform iAcademy and Service Cessation of Partnership Distribution e-learning platform iPartnership Academy (iPA)
2023-03-20 AIA Co. (Bermuda) Ltd. (Brokerage Services) [Announcement] - AIA - Launch of New Proposal Generation System (iPGS+)

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