Date Company Subject
2021-09-28 BOC Life [Announcement] - BOC Life - Extension of the sales period for "Forever Wellbeing Whole Life Plan"
2021-03-25 BOC Life [Announcement] - BOC Life - Extension of the sales period for "Forever Wellbeing Whole Life Plan"
2021-06-23 BOC Life [Announcement] - BOC Life - Extension of the sales period for "Forever Wellbeing Whole Life Plan"
2021-10-27 BOC Life [Announcement] - BOC Life - Extension of the "Target 5 Years Plus Insurance Plan (RMB)" Promotion for first year premium discount
2021-11-18 BOC Life [Announcement] - BOC Life - Extension of the "SmartViva Flexi VHIS" Promotion for first year premium discount
2020-09-30 BOC Life [Announcement] - BOC Life - Extension of the "Apply From Home" Process and Product Factsheet Update
2022-01-14 BOC Life [Announcement] - BOC Life - Extension of Maximum Issue Age
2017-10-09 BOC Life [Announcement] - BOC Life - Extension of Enhancing Forever Glorious USD Crediting Interest Rate
2021-01-29 BOC Life [Announcement] - BOC Life - Extension of customer offers for the first quarter of 2021
2021-02-25 BOC Life [Announcement] - BOC Life - Extension of customer offers for the first quarter of 2021

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