Date Company Subject
2018-06-06 MSIG Insurance (Hong Kong) Ltd [Product Update] - MSIG - Helper Insurance Revamp
2017-01-10 MSIG Insurance (Hong Kong) Ltd [Product Update] - MSIG - MediSure Premium and Benefit Change (Mainstream) - Letter to intermediary
2016-11-01 The Pacific Life Assurance Co., Ltd. [Product Update] - Pacific Life - Product Suspension Announcement - Easy Term Refundable
2016-05-23 Prudential Hong Kong Limited [Product Update] - Prudential - Launch of Simplified Version of With-Profits Fund Leaflet & Track Record, and enhancement of Cash Value Withdrawal function at PRUCompass
2015-07-07 Prudential Hong Kong Limited [product update] - Prudential - PRUchoice Maid Revamp 2015
2016-09-27 Prudential General Insurance Hong Kong Limited [Product Update] - Prudential - PRUchoice Travel Revamp 2016
2016-01-05 Prudential Hong Kong Limited [Product Update] - Prudential - The offer period of PRUmyretirement RMB annuity income plan (PRAI) will be ended on 31 December 2015
2016-03-08 Sun Life Financial (HK) Ltd [Product Update] - Sunlife - Addendum to SunArchitect, SunWish and SunFuture II
2016-01-21 Sun Life Financial (HK) Ltd [Product Update] - Sunlife - Re: Addendum to SunWish and SunFuture II Fund Guides
2019-03-19 Sun Life Financial (HK) Ltd [Product Update] - Sunlife - Update of SunHealth OmniCare Product Guide

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