Date Company Subject
2020-03-03 Prudential Hong Kong Limited [System Update] - Prudential - System implementation Notice for eSub enhancement launch on 3 Mar 2020
2020-01-02 Prudential Hong Kong Limited [System Update] - Prudential - System implementation Notice for eSub enhancement launch on 2 Jan 2020
2020-06-11 Prudential Hong Kong Limited [System Update] - Prudential - System Implementation Notice for eSub enhancement launch
2020-09-04 Prudential Hong Kong Limited [System Update] - Prudential - System implementation Notice for eSub enhancement
2021-01-05 Prudential Hong Kong Limited [System Update] - Prudential - System implementation Notice for eSub enhancement
2017-09-28 Prudential Hong Kong Limited [System Update] - Prudential - Suspension of online system and advance notice of affected customer service (October 14 - 9:00 am to October 15)
2017-08-28 Prudential Hong Kong Limited [System Update] - Prudential - Suspension of online system and advance notice of affected customer service (9 Sep to 10 Sep)
2021-07-13 Prudential Hong Kong Limited [System Update] - Prudential - PRUsubmit urgent maintenance
2019-03-05 Prudential Hong Kong Limited [System Update] - Prudential - Proposal System Version Updated to PRUCompass 12.4.1
2019-10-29 Prudential Hong Kong Limited [System Update] - Prudential - Launched PRUone eSubmission new version 2.38

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